The ANSA-EAP stocktaking report features features a collection of mapping write-ups from ANSA-EAP’s four priority countries -;
Mongolia and the
It is composed of three parts: Part I gives an overview and introduction of social accountability (SAc) and other related concepts. It contains a brief description of ANSA-EAP’s social accountability mapping project and the process employed by each of the priority countries in conducting the research. Part II presents the four country reports, covering mainly the findings, analyses and recommendations from the partner research teams. Each report paints a tentative picture of the nature and status of social accountability perspectives and practices in its respective area of coverage. Part III offers a synthesis of the social accountability practices and experiences, highlighting the gains and the accomplishments, looking into the gaps and challenges, and analyzing the factors and the impact of these on the social accountability initiatives in the East Asian and Pacific region.
It is the desire of ANSA EAP that the publication of these stocktaking results on the social accountability situation will be useful to the key actors and stakeholders of the four priority countries. It is also hoped that social accountability advocates and practitioners who may be interested in a deeper understanding of the situation in their respective areas of concern will gain lessons and insights from ANSA EAP’s stocktaking experience.
You can download the
full stocktaking report
or the individual reports on
Mongolia or the
Philippines separately.