This end-of-the project evaluation of ANSA-EAP had the following objectives:

  • explore the level of progress made by the project and analyze the extent to which the achievements have supported ANSA-EAP’s goal,
  • evaluate the project effectiveness in terms of mainstreaming agenda, sustainability and the extent of the institutionalization of the project,
  • identify the target and level of achievements as specified in the project agreement, ,
  • assess the good lessons to be replicated in other projects; and
  • recommend next steps for sustainability and enhancing project effectiveness.

The evaluation used the ANSA-EAP Results Framework, M&E Framework and grant deliverables as areas for assessment. The following criteria: Effectiveness, Relevance, Efficiency and Mainstreaming, Institutionalization and Sustainability have been used to assess the achievement of the outputs, outcomes and the extent to which the purpose and goal of ANSA-EAP have been reached.

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