The geographical variety of ANSA-EAP is better addressed through programs and initiatives that strengthen dialogue and information exchange among project partners in different focus countries.


ANSA-EAP aims to institutionalize social accountability by making it a prevailing approach in holding the state to account.  It has developed a two-pronged approach to networking: one, through conventional face-to-face approaches; and two, the use of Internet-based technology, especially social networking tools. 


ANSA-EAP’s model for generating information on existing SAc initiatives is to gather Tales, Tools, Techniques. This production and distillation of knowledge is focused on:

  • improving the quality of SAc resources, especially in articulating whether the enabling conditions for SAc are present;
  • deepening the information and knowledge about the situation and the stakeholders; and,
  • exploring the issues and experiences of practitioners in their SAc work.

The emphasis is on developing a shared understanding of social accountability in East-Asia and the Pacific, given its diversity.

Capacity Building 

Creating opportunities, content and operational strategies for learning-in action aimed at improving capacities for social accountability.


Ideas and knowledge exchange between countries through both traditional communication channels and new information are very much encouraged.  An important service of the network is to be an information clearinghouse, which is to say a collector, classifier and disseminator of relevant information on social accountability.

ANSA-EAP distills the information in order to sharpen the message, make it appropriate to target audiences, thereby making it more appealing, powerful and resonant. The information is brought to communities through on-line tools, distance learning modules and P2P or person-to-person interactions. 

Resource Mobilization

The visibility of social accountability is raised among various resources groups and funding partners to support small, focused and high-impact social accountability projects.  Through capacity building, ANSA-EAP equips network partners to access resources for their work, as well as encourages funding partners to prioritize and allocate more resources in support of social accountability initiatives, while promoting government commitment — both in terms of policy and funding — for social accountability work.