Social Accountability to fight corruption is the focus of the Cambodia Convener’s Group.

The Khmer Institute for National Development (KIND) and People Center for Development and Peace (PCDP) have awareness campaigns and capacity-building activities on performance monitoring and participatory planning. Through the “Demand for Good Governance” (DFGG) project of the World Bank, some of the network members received funding to help enhance citizens’ engagement in the governance process through citizen monitoring. Network members also participated in the World Bank-supported “Program to Enhance Capacity for Social Accountability” (PECSA), the precursor of the DFGG, which strived to enhance civil society capacities in designing and implementing governance programs. SILAKA, STAR KAMPUCHEA and SASA helped implement the PECSA, especially in the establishment and implementation of the Social Accountability Schools.

Network members tap media and new technologies to facilitate greater access to information and increase awareness for Social Accountability among other groups. These complement programs that aim to reach out to Cambodian youth and teach them to confront pressing social and political issues. Other non-government organizations like the Buddhism and Society Development Association also provide support through community development and health education programs targeting poor, vulnerable communities.

Cambodia’s network of social accountability practitioners receives support from international organizations, especially in the establishment of Social Accountability schools. Graduates of the Social Accountability Schools share best practices in good governance with other Cambodians.


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