Effective 1 February 2021 the Board of Trustees appointed Emile Gozali as Executive Director of ANSA EAP to replace Redempto (Dondon) Parafina. Dondon has stepped down to help strengthen the management of our selected projects, provide strategic guidance for programs/projects, identify new opportunities for social accountability, and support our networking works.  Dondon has been designated as the Managing Director and is a member of a newly created Management Committee. The committee was formed to improve the core overhead management of the organization.

Emile is concurrently a member of ANSA EAP’s Board of Trustees and an evaluation consultant.  He is an Indonesian and an economist and was previously with the Asian Development Bank for 22 years in areas of project evaluation, design and management, as well as in budgeting/organizational management. He was a Senior Visiting Fellow at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy