The sub-country network of Java, Indonesia, promotes a democratic and just Indonesian society through the development of institutions that encourage transparency and accountability in an environment where corruption is pervasive.

Budget transparency constitutes the bulk of the social accountability initiatives of the Java network members of ANSA-EAP. The budget affects the country’s basic needs—health, education, employment and government services in the country—and any manipulation will direly affect society. Network members such as the Bandung Institute of Governance Studies, PATTIRO and FITRA, conduct budget monitoring and analysis to safeguard the integrity of the budget process from the national to the local levels. Through the years, these organizations have strengthened cooperation with various stakeholders and non-government organizations. Tools on social accountability and innovations on performance monitoring are utilized to foster greater civic engagement. Another member, B_Trust, creates venues for public dialogue and consultation so that government leaders can know the issues that affect people at the grassroots level, an approach that will help develop greater trust in the government. Supplementing the efforts on budget monitoring are innovative and information-sharing activities and programs of fellow network members using new media technology.

The governance practices in the Java Indonesia sub-country network have been recognized internationally. The sub-country network’s focus on the integrity of the budget process and policy-making has led to major improvements in various sectors of society.