Partner groups in Cambodia fight corruption through different SAc tools and techniques. Partners use media and new technologies to facilitate greater access to information and increase awareness for SAc among other groups. These complement programs that aim to reach out to Cambodian youth and teach them to confront pressing social and political issues. Some partners also provide support through community development and health education programs targeting poor, vulnerable communities.


 ANSA-EAP activities in Cambodia have included the following:

ANSA-EAP has also provided grant assistance to the strategic initiatives of—

  • Khmer Institute for National Development (“Development and Implementation of Monitoring Module for Cambodian Scouts”, 2008);
  • The Buddhism and Society Development Association (“Strengthening SAc Initiatives to Improve National and Communal Level Development”, 2008, 2009);
  • STAR Kampuchea (“Network Assistance Program to Enhance Social Accountability Capacities of Local Organizations“, 2009); and,
  • Cambodia Centre for Independent Media (“Empowering Journalists and Citizens to Report Social Accountability Issues Through Broadcast Radio”, 2008, 2009);
  • Coalition for Integrity and Social Accountability (“Improved Accountability Through Procurement Monitoring”, 2010);
  • Youth Committee for Unity and Development (“Tapping the Education Ministry’s Support for the National Youth Policy for Effective Youth Engagement in Social Accountability”, 2008, 2010).